Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Does America have a heart left in it? (#3427)

     The trumps are going to continue to take children from migrants and not only that they are looking for ways to keep them from their parents and relatives for longer periods of time. All in the name of how trump's negotiate. Normally when a compromise between the political parties is reached both sides gain something they want beyond what they already have. But these are not normal times with republicans in control. Instead, republicans are taking from what America already has and demanding what they want in exchange to let us have back what we already had. Sound familiar? NO? Here let me explain it another way.
     Using the children, republicans take them from their parents and then demand that they receive a benefit for it in order to return the children. Does it still seem vague to you? Let me try it this way then, The republican party is being despicable and will only stop being despicable if we give them what they want. Kind of like a petulant child throwing a tantrum that unsettles everyone in public until they are given what they want. So it is that republicans will not stop separating migrant children from their families until they get their benefit. So basically kidnapping children and then demanding a ransom for their return. The republican party expects that this will be a winning strategy for them, destroying lives for profit, for the upcoming midterms.
     So in 140 days we will know if the tearing migrant families apart strategy is a winnable one for republicans. In this scenario where republicans see themselves as coming out ahead in November because of their child kidnapping policy then we will know that America has lost whatever heart we all thought it had. If that is the case then our shame as human beings will be incontrovertible and the downfall of our civilization at hand. When we reward bad behavior then we have fallen from being a noble striving species to one where we cower and covet as a rule and the end of us is assured to come from those who do not compromise on the dignity, respect and principle of democracy.

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