Monday, June 18, 2018

The incontinence of trumps and the slow evolution of his supporters (#3426)

     We have seen through Twitter just how unstable, ignorant and out of control trump is and the fact is that this man/child has no ability to mature as a human. He is still in childhood mentally and emotionally. His most obvious behavior are his many tantrums aimed at anything that may suggest or accuse him of harm. There is no self control here that passes for genuine leadership. The far right who helped get trump appointed to the presidency are as culpable of being an angry mob with no ability to think through the choices they make. They like that trump just does things without pussy footing around even though what trump does is cruel, thoughtless and self adolating.
     His base, who are angry, ill informed and selfish find that there is no one as close to them in their actions and thoughts than trump and no amount of reason, logic nor common sense will penetrate their god ordained trumpian image. So wasting time reasoning with them truly is equivalent to burning money. But what can occur for them to see beyond the shadows inside their illusory caves is for trump to continue to do what he is doing. He is putting pressure on his base by denying services to them that they thought would never be taken from them. He is insinuating himself in trade tariffs that hit them in their wallets. Because if anything can get through to a trump supporter it is to take services and money from them when they are unsuspecting.
     Of course trump will blame democrats for all of his failings and most of his supporters will believe him but some will not and a wedge in his support will eventually cleave the illusion. It is only a matter of time before trump hits the tipping point with his own base. They have expectations for him and what they have yet to experience like the rest of us is that trump doesn't like to be held to account. He is his own master and no one is above him especially those who were gullible enough to buy into his rhetoric and lies. The trump supporters will learn the hard lesson they refuse to learn through logic and common sense and it will hit home hard with them when they do.

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