Saturday, June 30, 2018

We need public trials for treason so the truth can be shown! (#3438)

     With all the disinformation being perpetrated by they right wing there is no other alternative than to have open public trials of those we know have colluded with foreign powers to hinder and undermine our democracy. There is no other learning tool for all Americans to understand than being frank with everyone regardless of the facts that come out. I have had it with all this secrecy and privilege we give to pampered officials who have wholly abused the public trust. No more can we function as an information society if we don't expose our dirty laundry as just that! When outlets for information like the fox network can rewrite facts and truths to fit their narrative of upheaval within our nation then we need to counter with public trials.
     Not only public trials but public punishments that warrant deterrence. We are not a nation that is above becoming corrupt and we should not be hiding behind an image that denies that. Our legacy with our democracy must say something more than we survived. We must not only rebuild where it has been damaged but we must further its noble cause with advancements that reveal how proper our democracy works with all of our citizens. No one else in the world will want to emulate the democracy we have now so let's change that by exposing our metaphorical sores and letting them heal through the bright light of sunshine.
     We must also punish news outlets that stray from the truth to serve an agenda that is demonstrably anti democratic. Our democracy is one to behold if we protect it with all our might. No one should be allowed to not be part of our society and voting process who has the rights of citizenship. There have to be rewards for voting as well as punishments for not voting and they must be significant. We have learned over time that our human species is adept at being lazy or uncaring unless otherwise motivated. So as we motivate ourselves in other areas of life so should we do so in the most important part of what makes us a society.

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