Monday, June 11, 2018

If you don't think for yourself someone else will (#3419)

     For all of you lazy ass people who like the illusion of being in the know without actually being in the know this blog post is for you. You know who you are. You are the ones who are always looking for the shortcut to a conclusion without actually having to logically arrive at one on you own. Because it is real work putting the premises in front of the conclusion, so you cheat and let someone else tell you their conclusion despite them having no premises either. Mostly though you just hope to hear an outcome that closely reflects your prejudices and biases and then adopt it as your own. See, shortcuts to solutions because you are either too lazy to think it out for yourself or are too proud to admit you don't know how to think out a logical conclusion of your own.
     Mostly it is laziness though. I say that because most of us think we are too busy or too important to stoop to the mundane task of thinking about non profitable equations. Stuff that doesn't immediately effect our bank accounts is of a lesser concern or no concern at all. So we let others think about how to run our democracy and trust that they have our best intentions at hand. Although that may be time efficient, it is trust misplaced. Especially with the republican party doing your thinking. they spend an inordinate amount of time telling you half truths and outright lies while they sneak around behind everyone's back trying to destroy the working middle poor class by taking away health care, social security and other necessary programs aimed at shrinking poverty.
     It isn't amazing to me that I spend most of my time fact checking claims by republicans that democrats are doing nefarious things. However when the fact checking is done it is republicans that are the ones doing the wrongs. It is real simple folks, check the claims yourself and don't rely on me. You will find the same results since the facts of truth don't change. But again, check for yourself and then get into the habit of fact checking anything that seems fishy. There is no other way to know the truth if you care to be honest. That may be the problem with many of us though, whether we care enough to be honest. In the end the will of our nation is to be defined and already knowing what we know do we keep the republicans in power to continue to destroy our working middle poor class or do we kick them out with a ferocity reserved for the worst of the human experience?

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