Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Obstacles in California removed from derailing the blue wave (#3414)

     Last night here in my home state of California, the path appears to be cleared for a democrat to be in every race for a congressional district seat. The worry was with so many democrats running in districts that were republican last time that a single democrat would not be able to make the top two vote getters in the primary. Our California primaries allow for all parties to run in a single primary. We don't have primaries for democrats and primaries for republicans. We have one primary and may the best two candidates win, regardless of party affiliation. So when there are numerous democratic candidates running in a district previously held by a republican it wouldn't be hard to think of a very real scenario where only two republicans get the most votes by percentage.
     Well that didn't happen but just barely didn't happen. So a relief this morning is felt by all of us democrats who worried over this for the past several months. We did lose a democratic state senator to recall in a republican district because he voted for our last gas tax and that was unfortunate but we admire his stance to vote for Californians instead of voting for the wealthy's pocketbook. In the future his honorable nature will be rewarded. All in all though there were 4 races that were a concern of being locked out for democrats but to all our relief here and across the nation the 4 were not and all 4 of them will have a democratic challenger for voters to appraise.
     What could have been a deterrent for our coming blue has now been eliminated. There are 7 congressional seats that are an even bet or better for democrats here to flip from republican to democrat and that is still the case. Those 7, if flipped, would go a long way toward making sure that we democrats end up in the majority in the House and a real clear rebut to trump and his democracy busting agenda. There is still much work to be done and the focus on getting our vote out is still priority number one but at least the path toward our future is cleared of any obstacles before we start on it. A happy day today and a better chance tomorrow for our democratic futures.

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