Thursday, June 28, 2018

We are mostly all still alive! (#3436)

     My worst fear after seeing that trump was going to be handed the presidency was that he would kill us all out of his greed and stupidity. Well we are not all dead yet and for that I am grateful. Seriously! I haven't felt this way since the nuclear drills back in the Kennedy presidency when we were dutifully hiding under our desks in drills for the likely nuclear event. That didn't happen but only because we stood up to Russia and forced them to back down. This case with trumps is different. We Americans are not united against a foreign enemy, we are split against a domestic one. Still, there are more of us who are not of right wing ideologies who are democratic out there so we still do have a chance to stand up to the trumps and force them to back off just like we did with the Russians in the 1960's.
     With daily evidence coming in that our nation is going to be stripped of it's decency and rights, it is no less than critical that we who would prevent the trumps from further damaging out democracy must take to action. The formula is simple, obstruct, protest and vote. There is nothing less we should be doing. Put aside all of our own personal ambitions and our minor differences within the democratic party and let's put an end to what trumps are doing. Make no mistake about this as well. The trumps know that we only have so many opportunities to unravel their hateful and destructive agenda and they are going all out to stop us from doing it. They know that they are outnumbered if our voters come out and they will take steps to remove our voters from the voting rolls.
     Yet we can stop them now if we all just stop what we are doing and focus on the most important time of our coming lives. Reenergizing our base and adding more to it with a clear and loud voice to bring democracy back to America. The trumps have enlisted their Russian cohorts to help them along into making America more like them so the task we Americans have is a tall one. The very essence of America is now in jeopardy of becoming a scurrilous one. Instead of forcing the world to improve life for all, the trumps want to take us down to the level of the worst of governments. That is how trumps see the world, we Americans not as the example of what could be but instead as just another small minded country willing to treat it's citizens as chattel.

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