Thursday, June 21, 2018

We Americans are inexcusable (#3429)

     The majority of us who vote democrat are not so bad at being human but we are only about 27% of the total American population. The other 73 or so percent are what's wrong with America. About 26% of the total American population continues to support a ruthless thug like trump and other republicans no matter what they do in office to us and or to enrich themselves. It makes no difference to that percentage that always votes for republicans. But for me what I still cannot grasp is why nearly 47% of the eligible voting public doesn't even bother to vote.
     It is like they just don't care who does what to whom. That in itself is disgraceful and inhumane but right now we have a republican party that is incensed at decency and the rule of law. So for that large percentage of folks who could vote but who don't vote I have no justifiable words to use about what is wrong with them. It is inexcusable that outside of those who vote for democrats there is a larger percentage that either hate people who are not like them or just don't care to care. What does that tell us about what makes up the character of America? What are we fighting to maintain and what is worthy of that fight when most of us are unworthy of being honored?
     I hold out hope that this coming election in November that the previous nearly 47% of voters who didn't vote will actually decrease sizably and a new era of caring and not hating will come to the fore. But in about 139 days we will find out and if that is so then good on America for waking up and standing tall for the greater good. But if not and the same status quo of today continues after the November election then we all may just as well resign ourselves to the fact that we are a miserable lot of folks less worthy of what most of us think we deserve. We will have become the feckless hollow humans we seem to see in anyone but ourselves. A reckoning will come and it will be deserved if we are less than human like the current republicans and non voters.

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