Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Can decency keep us from destruction? (#3435)

     As the trumps continue to break apart our democracy will our own decency prevent us from the forceful response we need to combat the breaking? Will we sit idly by and watch because that is how civilized citizens act toward the will of their leader? Will our civility be the undoing of us if we cannot stop by any means the ongoing trump disaster? How do we reconcile being beyond enlightened when we are being herded by a neanderthal? It is like the conscientious objector who knows that killing is wrong on all levels but in order to protect life itself and the values that life demands the killing must occur. That is how we reconcile war and the brutal nature of it that is beyond civilized and enlightened.
     The hard work of standing up to the worst of our society demands that we the civilized find it within ourselves to muster a strength and conviction that supersedes our own personal wishes. Our democracy is sacred and nothing on Earth should come between us and it especially if that nothing is something and it is from within. I will not abdicate my ability to fight for what I believe in when that belief is our own priceless democracy. Countless souls of American citizens have already given their lives to protect the greatest democracy on Earth and why should I be any less than those courageous souls? I am a civilized man who wants democracy and its working principles for all of us not just for some of us.
     When the time comes for all of us to face our fears about not only our own skin but the skin of our heritage going forward it will need to be decided what to do. For many of us we have already decided what tack we will take because the time is shortly upon us if we continue to do as we are told by the conmen of the republican party. I am not advocating any violence upon anyone. What I am advocating for is the mindset needed for it when the need arises. We are not in some dream world where all is well and good. We are on a battlefield now and the fighting is rather more like little skirmishes but those skirmishes are leading to an all out thrust by the trumps to take the most precious gift we Americans have ever been given, the lifeblood and treasure of our descendants who laid down their futures in order to pick up the sword and keep our democracy alive.

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