Thursday, June 7, 2018

Butthurt republicans can't breathe with trump in the room (#3415)

     The war going on in the republican party is about ego. What republicans did by getting trump appointed as president is backfiring on them in ways they had not thought about. They didn't realize just how deranged with ego that trump was and is. So when trump is in the room there is no room for anyone else to breathe since he requires all the oxygen. So what we have is people who are otherwise prone to being egomaniacs in the republican party being shut down by their puppet. This is the war between the delusionally great and powerful trumps and the delusionally great and powerful ones who made him so. It will be interesting to watch this play out since if trump is fighting his own party, he has less time to figure out ways to destroy American democracy and blame the working middle poor class for it.
     I for one hadn't thought about this either. I assumed like most rational people that once appointed as president, trump would fall in line behind the agenda of the treacherous ones who backed him. But that is not the case. Instead, trump is devising his own agenda based upon his ego and it telling him he is an anointed one. So those who are beneath him, his own backers included should bow down to him, just like he demands of us liberals and independents. This is not going well for him because his backers are just like him in the ego department and their ego will not allow them to bow to anyone, especially one who they installed to be their whipping boy.
     For the rest of us though, this is a silver lining that we needed to get us through the summer and into the fall election season. There will be much fallout over the battle for ego control and neither trump nor his initial backers are of the type to back down. So as the republican party continues to undermine it's own power we liberals and independents need to form an alliance that not only agrees that republicans have nothing for us but that we need to vote this coming election in such a fashion that republicans are bushwhacked and beaten into irrelevance. While republicans are fighting each other the rest of us can get our national and state governments back into a form that serves all Americans and not just the egomaniacs.

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