Sunday, June 10, 2018

The world is no longer astonished at our scoundrel appointed leader (#3418)

     There are no more character flaws for the civilized world to discover about trump. He has displayed so many of them to the rest of the elected leaders of the world and they now know who he is and what he is incapable of. Yes, his inabilities far outweigh his abilities, of which there are very few. The rest of the world knows now that trump's America is a scourge on the modern future of our planet and they are making plans to work without us to keep the progressive agenda moving forward. We need the rest of the world to do this and the majority of us Americans are with them and against trump. There is little we can do to take trump from the leadership of our nation as a willing accomplice republican party protects the diabolical nature trump prefers.
     So it isn't just trump that must go. In a few months we will have a general election where we can remove so many of trump's enablers that his appointed presidency will shatter if he is able to survive Mueller and finish out his last term to 2020. Because it will be his last term since his abject failure as a leader is clear. But in the meantime we can do much to begin the process of regaining our allies in the rest of the world by voting for democrats to remove republicans from public office everywhere they hold a seat come this November 6th. Never before 2016 has it been so obvious to me that our democratic voters need to get out and vote. No more ignoring the reality of a failed American nation if we don't remove the worst stain on American politics since before our modern era.
     We must take a cue now from our allies in the world and ignore the ramblings of the want to be demigod trump and make our own path back to a stable and functioning democracy. That the republican party has sold it's soul to the malicious heart of trump politics can never again be rewarded. Our own personal gains that may come about through the selfishness of the trump agenda can never be measured as more than the destruction he heaps upon the working middle poor class. If we do not move beyond our own personal gains despite the destruction being done then we are doomed as a nation that has any value of honorable purpose. For those of you who could care less about anything that doesn't line your pocket then I wish upon you a fate more painful than your worst nightmare tenfold!

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