Tuesday, June 26, 2018

If trumps take due process he also takes our democracy (#3434)

     It didn't involve me so I didn't care. Infamous last thought of countless people who found out the hard way that if we don't all protect ourselves we will all be unprotected. Our democracy gives us that and keeps the wolves like trump at bay so that our form of government survives again the ravages of those who would be king like. What is due process? "The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a due process clause. Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the due process clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law",-Wikipedia. In other words it is our legal safeguard to have our day in court.
     In other countries due process is not given and those who would be charged of a crime have no way of rebutting the charges. Due process is our ability to have a voice in any governmental accusation against us. Imagine a scenario where trump wanted to silence his critics, you don't have to imagine that in trump's case since it is already fact that he wants to silence his critics, but without due process. He could simply charge anyone of a crime and that person would have no judicial review to defend themselves from the crime whether it was true or not. So be in fear of speaking out against trump lest you be caught up in the middle of the night and hauled off to either some dark hole or worse. Because if there is no due process you are guilty just by being charged.
     So for you who still think that trump isn't all that bad and still better than Clinton it is time for you to stop being naive and look at the facts. With trump there is a real chance democracy will not exist after he is done with us and if that is the case he will try to be like his buddies, the worst dictators on the planet, and keep authoritarian power up until he is dead. Racism and misogyny are not worth the loss of our freedom and hopefully you who support trump will finally get that we are all human beings and not greater or lesser than each other based solely upon our gender or skin color.

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