Monday, June 4, 2018

The constant awkward fumblings of trump are not excusable! (#3412)

     Those that surround trump are his voice when it comes to his ineptitude. So is their complicity in his crimes. In both intentional and unintentional means the crowd around trump are keeping our democracy from protecting itself. It is bad enough that the ego maniac trump has no sense of moral and ethical duty to our constitution but his closest allies are as bad if not worse. They protect their new found moment in the limelight like it is their destiny and if not more so their way to profit from the disaster we know as trump. The dregs of what it is to be human are now in control and it is disgusting that it has come about.
     We Americans are fortunate though to have the means of government outside the ramblings and incoherence of trump and his sycophants to fall back on but they are still precarious around the want-to-be-dictator trump. That trump sees himself above the law and able to do anything, including murder without consequence is the jist of my point here. No longer do we Americans have a leader who is supposed to be leading the citizens of our nation, we have instead a narcissistic faux demigod who is not satisfied with earning respect, honor and dignity. Instead he demands it and if it isn't given his abilities in being a petty backstabber often comes out.
     So no quarter can be given to the fool who is our president through appointment and any and all who would apologize for him and are doing themselves and others a disservice. There is no place in our national leadership for con men and demented thinkers yet that is what we have today and in 155 days hopefully we won't have nearly as many of them. Let me be perfectly clear, this whole nightmare of an election from 2016 was made possible by the republican party. The republican party that now holds majorities in Congress, the Supreme Court and holds the Presidency. If we do not make them pay this coming November 6th for their transgressions against democracy, the rule of law and common decency then we deserve them!

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