Sunday, July 1, 2018

128 days until the end of trumps begins... (#3439)

     It seems like yesterday that I was happy about there being less than 200 days until the midterms. Well it is now down to 128 days and I am even more excited. For one thing I have to be since the constant barrage of bad news from trumps can be overwhelming at times. Especially this latest move by justice kennedy to help trump elect another right wing conservative to the court. But aside form the neverending bad news we have a countdown to when we can vote again this time to change the leadership in the house and senate. 128 days until we begin to stop the madness that has been our collective nightmare come true for the majority of Americans.
     There will not be any electoral college in the midterms. The majority vote on candidates running for office will be the final arbiter of who wins or loses this coming election. The trumps have little to campaign on since all their attempts to change our democracy have come at the expense of the working middle poor class. They have helped the wealthy get even more wealthy but most of them were voting for trumps anyway. Because if you don't know by now most of the wealthy put their pocketbooks profit above their duty to our nation. They will let the treasonous acts of trump slide so that they can continue to reap financial gain.
     We the non wealthy are not so fortunate with trumps controlling government. We are the ones being forced to cough up what value we have left so that the wealthy can continue to grow the income inequality gap. Our pockets are empty but that doesn't stop trumps from demanding more from us to give to the wealthy. There will be another push by trumps before the election to cut taxes further on the wealthy. All this in order to cripple even further the working middle poor class. That trumps are so against us is not in dispute. Now if we can find a way to combat the racism that trump is utilizing to split us apart we will have then found our way back to being the melting pot of the world and a force for good beyond our own generations again.

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