Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Civil disobedience (#3448)

     Civil disobedience is in reaction to unfairness, unjustness and unethical acts and means that disenfranchise part or most of our society. What is left if all the power resides in the ones being uncivil? Are we to lay down and accept the unfairness with no grumble or defense? When we are captive to the ones who are taking from us or our society are we to make nice and protest by not golf clapping? I see no future in being docile when republicans are ruthless, cruel and inhumane. There comes a time in everyone's life when they come to the realization that fighting back in any way possible is the only option left. This is one of those times. We are not yet at life or death but those options may be next if we do not resist with all we have now.
     I have heard from some who are concerned about aggressive protesting, in their faces protesting, because it isn't dignified nor civil enough. Yet we who do believe that protesting in their faces is just what is needed are not persuaded to play nice when nice is not a word the republicans choose to define their policies. I am a civilized person and for the most part am in agreement that civilized manner should always rule the day. Yet the day is not being ruled by civilized behavior from republicans. So the old adage of fighting fire with fire is reasonable. When republicans change the rules to fit their agenda no amount of playing nice will suffice. A punishment must come down on republicans in order for them to understand that bullying or forcing their agenda on the many of us will not continue.
     That it has already started is our own fault for not fighting harder earlier to prevent it and make republicans pay for their unethical behavior. But to rein ourselves in now because our disobedience to the force of republicans is uncivil, to me is moot. I do not fight a fight with my hands tied behind my back. I fight with my fists at the ready to strike and not stop striking until the battle is done or I am demised. I will always go back to being civil when the fight is won but to not fight on even terms with the republicans is to secede to their victory. I will not stop fighting for democracy and as long as republicans keep trying to take it away from us there are no rules to be civil about!

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