Thursday, July 19, 2018

Breaking manafort and cohen (#3457)

     The time is coming when the beans will be spilled on trump and the two key figures to spilling the beans are manafort and cohen. They are the insiders who have the information needed to make the case of collusion and treason against trump and other key republican leaders. What Mueller is doing is closing the gap on possibilities for these two conspirators and their narrowing options are becoming clear even to them. They no longer have the myriad ways of snaking out of charges against them as Mueller has made them moot as time goes by. So the time is coming very shortly where both manafort and cohen will have no other choice but to save their own skin regardless of the threat of trump and putin.
     It may be another month or so but hopefully before the November election we get the real bombshell indictments we have been waiting for. Right into the trump inner circle where the real weasels hide. I know for a fact that their fear is real and they will not be able to hold their tongues once Mueller puts it to them. That trump is going down is inevitable. His arrogance and stupidity cannot defy the precision of the Mueller investigation. Like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar so is trump when it comes to his crimes. We can see most of them just on the surface so the evidence of them will be easily enough exposed. The one wild card is putin and what lengths he will go to to protect his foreign asset trump.
     But I have a clue that Mueller and others in our intelligence agencies already suspect putin of trying to erase the frame that has trump in it's sights. So extra care will be taken as to putin's penchant for poisoning his foes. The rest of course will take it's now certain course and the exposure of the republican party and the head of it trump the con man is just weeks from now and it will be because Mueller has broken the silence of manafort and cohen. They are the key to ending this nightmare of a struggle to defeat our democracy through collusion and treason. What would be the most satisfying in this the breaking of these two despicable criminals would be the timing especially with the election just before it.

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