Monday, July 23, 2018

We all should be living through our hearts (#3461)

     I was raised a bit on the rough side with a few physical detritments that tempered my ego. I was able to survive my early life through cunning and strength but it wasn't easy. So I know what it is to be arrogant with a chip on my shoulder. Having to put on the appearance of being a tough guy in order to move around in circles that didn't suffer fools. But all of that was a strategy to make it to my maturity. I am here now and as such don't need to pretend to be something I am not. I am a decent honest person who didn't have the opportunities to express that like I should have been able growing up. What I had learned from all that was that I am not mean nor cruel but I am instead kind, curious about knowledge and caring.
     It is my heart now that guides me to my decisions and actions though. I don't have to be something I am not, in fact I have to be what I am. Don't get me wrong, I am still a hard man when it comes to the tricks and cons of life by those who are selfish, cruel and ignorantly uncaring. But my outlook is one of a positive nature where the doubt of things is still questionable. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, is a good rule to live by especially since not many can even fool me once. I learned what it takes to be duplicitous and can read the tell quite easily. So those who are more innocent than guilty get my attention while those who are taken with the grift get nothing from me.
     The heart does not lie, nor does it steal or cheat. It is the most perfect paradigm to express care and love while also being vulnerable. It is in the downside of vulnerability that many choose not to live by their hearts because the pain of loss and dishonesty is great and long painful. Yet, as a human being it is our greatest attribute so not living by the heart is a compromise I am unwilling to make. To care and to be cared about is amazing and it is simply what living is all about. Finding that my thoughts and actions are centered on what is best for all of us gives me the guidance I need toward every breath I take. It is the most excellent way to live while also being me and what all that encompasses.

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