Monday, July 2, 2018

The forces against trump and republicans are marshalling (#3440)

     What does the republican party have left in the intellectual department? guys like hannity and jones who are more dropout than wise. Most all the smart people who had a little bit of a conscience have left the republican party and are now fighting alongside democrats to oust their former associates. It is revealing to me that guys like Schmidt and Will who at least could argue with some validity that republicanism has some value are now unable to do so and are no longer part of the republican party. Oh republicans still have their basement haters in ingraham and limbaugh but those types are more racist and misogynist than logically objective.
     So what does the republican party offer to its staunch supporters? Mostly they demand party loyalty because they necessarily don't need to offer them much of anything else except the age old demand of trust us to do what is right for you. Most republican voters have left behind their ability to think for themselves because of their own low self esteem and admitting now that they cannot think wisely for themselves would show them a fool. Well one thing for certain about staunch republican voters, they would prefer to be thought foolish than to actually show they are foolish. Pretense is their hope and nothing short of a drastic loss in their lives will ever change that. Well they may be headed for a drastic loss given the no care the republican party has for their loyalty.
     So the rest of us who are are able to think for ourselves and are not psycho/sociopathic like so many republicans are banding together to form an opposition to the trumps and republicans. It is massive our banding together. Not only do we have a majority of the working middle poor class that is adversely affected by the trumps but we have a boatload of the wealthy who cannot fathom such hate and oppression coming from the republicans. We will see a lot of that coming together in the next 127 days when we as a nation go to the voting booth and realign the power of Congress. Yes, I am calling for the blue wave to take down republican majorities in the house and senate so that we begin to stop the republican agenda of hatred and the dismantling of our democracy.

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