Sunday, July 29, 2018

Never stop doing what is honorable (#3467)

     What we have now is a bunch of republicans telling us that what we see and hear isn't what we see and hear. Sort of like an episode of the Twilight Zone. What is up is down and what is left is right. Well I don't see any value in listening to anything republicans have to say, especially since they have proven over and over again that they do not care for us who are the majority of Americas in the working middle poor class. So while republicans try to lie to us about reality they can only achieve their goal if we listen to them. I prefer to block out what they say and slowly stew in my anger at them while preparing to oust every damn one of them up for election this November and beyond.
     I may have heard trumps voice 5 times for very brief moments since the last election and it wasn't by choice. Nothing that lying cheating piece of garbage has to say is worth any second of my time. Neither do I give any other republicans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to vocalizing words. I have had enough of it and will not waste another second of my time on any of them. I will read sometimes what others conclude from their remarks but only for a summary as I know already that republicans are a virus and allowing oneself to get to close to them for too long can infect one. I prefer to do honorable things not be told that fantasy is reality and my ability to conclude is not real.
     It isn't as if democrats are perfect, but by a far and wide margin they are far superior to any republican currently operating on the public stage. I will listen to what democrats have to say because they are so closely aligned with almost always doing honorable things that it draws me in. No one is perfect and neither are democrats but I can excuse a few incorrect conclusions when the vast majority of their conclusions are spot on. I will never let the imperfect stop me from working to make things more perfect. With republicans the whole party is riddled with dishonesty, greed and deception and the only positive way to deal with them is to vote them out at every election. It is beyond time for them to be discarded since they do not understand nor pretend to understand what it is to be honorable.

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