Tuesday, July 31, 2018

trump kicks koch's in the balls (#3469)

     The somewhat beauty of having an idiot as a president are the times when he cuts his own head off to spite his nose. It is beautiful to watch. As trump has dissed the koch's and their previously conservative bankrolling as insignificant and underwhelming, https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/07/koch-and-trumps-tug-of-war-for-the-gop/566396/, trump's chances of fending off our democratic blue wave in November just got dicier. First off the koch's are not funding the challenger to a vulnerable democratic senator in North Dakota which is helpful in that with positive advertisement for the democrat there the koch's are signalling their unusual party flip. I would not expect this to last past the trump regime but for now we democrats will take it.
     The 2018 election midterms are most dangerous for us democrats as we have many senate seats in red states this time that are up for reelection and under normal circumstances we democrats would expect to lose some of these seats. But with trump acting as irrational as he is within his own party we are starting to see the real rifts within it and an opportunity to stave off senate seat losses. The timing couldn't be more perfect in that we democrats now look likely to limit the loss of senate seats and may well come out of this election with the senate majority. The same can be said for the house of representatives. Any loss of financial backing trump is allowing through groups like the koch's will only further make it harder for sitting republicans to remain in office.
     The lard that resides between trumps ears is keeping him from realizing that he is not the all powerful Oz. So when the voting comes this November in 98 days he will be facing a wave that he has in most ways foundationally built. It is only through his arrogance, brutal policies against the we the working middle poor class and condescension that we have taken all we are going to take from him and couple that with his own internal republican party infighting, we are looking a a better than even chance of taking both houses of Congress. I know the senate will be tough but I have some faith in we democrats who will come out and vote and also I have faith in trump to continue to divide and demoralize his republican party.

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