Friday, July 6, 2018

The psychosis of being a trump apologist (#3444)

     It would be humorous if it were a play. You know some far fetched comedy that defended the absurd while denigrating the factual. A sort of inverse reality where up is down and Alice is all of us. Yet we are not laughing at some comedic fantasy out of the mind of some playwright. We are living in the era of trump and republican nonsense. More so it isn't by accident or bad luck. It is an orchestrated attempt to justify the metaphorical incontinence coming from the mouths of trump and his republican enablers without admitting there is a problem. The timing of this tragedy, not comedy, is that the alignment of power for republicans in government is in full force.
     So now all the guffaw and horse manure they have been measuring out to their base is what they must govern on and in conjunction with the trump ego they are finding it difficult to connect the dots between their mess and the bigger mess trump is spewing. So explain away republicans how trump is making our nation better while he is actually making it worse. Keep the cognitive dissonance down to a mild roar so as not to draw too much attention to all your inconsistencies of claims and conclusions. Fall back on your personal republican favorite of fear mongering so as to avoid having to explain, without logic, how logical your policies are for our national benefit.
     I know how much I would sell my soul for if I were a republican apologist but it seems that my price would never be met because it would be far too high. Today's apologists are more eager for the work and will sell their souls for less than the 30 pieces of silver Judas is claimed to have bargained for. For me to commit my integrity to shame and disrespect I would need much more than just some trinkets republicans are offering yet they have an endless supply of takers to choose from. I wonder sometimes if it is all worth it then I remember that there are more of people like me who won't sell their soul for trinkets than there are those who will.

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