Wednesday, July 11, 2018

America's riffraff is the new normal (#3449)

     Gone are the hopes and dreams of enlightened souls here in america as the worst of who we are as a whole is now in control. What the end game of this will look like is speculation on my part since I won't be around to see it but I can say this much it will not be progressive modern nor benevolent. Instead it will look more like the hunger games than a thriving democracy. Our system of elections has failed us and the realization should not be lost on those of us who have given all of our effort to put what is best about America forward. Knowledge, and the enlightenment we gain from knowledge, will now be only for those who can pay for it and then define it to fit their agenda. The rest of the working middle poor class will have to scramble to find any semblance of education that befits the human species as a right.
     The republican party will have done this and those who vote for them are accomplices as well. There is no shirking the responsibility that has come from ideology that has hate as a priority over compassion. The rest of the world had better make sure their democratic institutions are stronger than America's otherwise they will be next to feel the loss of their soul like we the many here in America do. I am not quite yet resigned to our fate but the odds are not in our favor so some miracle must be in the mix for us to pull ourselves out of our coming previously unfathomable destiny. It is apparent now that the deck has been stacked in favor of regressive republican policies for the next several generations. There is little that can be done but hopefully something will change the trajectory of our abysmal fate.
     I don't know what else I can do here in my little blog to warn of the impending suffering that will come upon we the working middle poor class but I have been doing so as a clarion call to wake up and see what the republicans are doing to dismantle our nation of prosperity and equality for all. Yet each year as elections come and go the same trend toward republicans occurs. I for the life of me cannot understand the necessity of being uninformed when everything about our society is readily available to comprehend. Are we so immature as a nation as to not care about our future or the future of our children? Apparently it is something along that line because we are entering into a dark time for the United States of America.

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