Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Keeping the pressure on republicans (#3463)

     There are 104 days until the midterm elections and there is no time left to dawdle. The republican party is behind the eight ball at the moment and they are going to try like hell to turn that around putting us democrats behind the eight ball. Well we cannot let them do that. There is little left for the republicans and their russian operatives to try to make democrats look guilty about so we must not give them any chance to at all. Especially since republicans have controlled all of the government from the presidency, house of representatives, senate and the supreme court. So in no way are republicans not responsible for all that is occuring on their complete watch.
     But what has worked in the past for republicans when they didn't have complete control is to blame democrats for not letting them install their policies. Well they have complete control and have installed their policies so that excuse won't fly with anyone who has a logical and/or common sense mind. Their next option would be to attack democrats as weak and disorganized. Well as we have shown, our strength and organization is mighty with upset after upset occurring during the special election season leading up to the midterms. So that won't work, so what is left? Well the lies about anything that they can think of is next and the lies will be coming in the form of false accusations about any and all things that appeal to the working middle poor class, which is the foundational base of our democratic party.
     The republican party will attack social security, medicare/medicaid, food stamps, unemployment, the Veterans administration, women's rights, living wage issues, the environmental protection agency, they will also attack voter registration rolls to purge eligible democratic and independent voters. Also the republican party will try to conflate a war, through trade tariffs or any other excuse to saber rattle against those who we previously had treaties with. This republican administration led by trumps and supported by leaders in the republican party congress have no doubt as to their right to be the leaders of our nation regardless of what we the voters have to say about it. They would start a world war if it meant they could keep power. That may sound like it is unfathomable but like all things republican, nothing is off the table when it comes to their delusionally perceived right to be greater than the rest of us.

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