Thursday, July 26, 2018

The trumps are going down (#3464)

     The best strategy for republicans in elections is to attack whatever democrats are advancing as policy or the candidates themselves. But this election there is nothing for the republicans to attack. The republican party is in total control of legislation so therefore they are setting policy and the candidates they would attack aren't on the big stage, they are just congressional candidates and most of them are the challengers who aren't in office at the moment. So the fallback position for republicans is what? How do they take the spotlight off of their insane policies and change the narrative to put it on the democrats instead?
    Well the answer is to start a war. Yet even that is not working out well for republicans as they are in disarray and cannot even decide who the enemy would be. Yes, seriously, republicans would start a war, not out of America's interest but out of the republican party's interest. So that is not going to happen at least in the foreseeable future so now what do they do? Well what they have been doing for about a year now is very little to nothing. If they were counting on their accomplices the russians to hack them some more victories that is not going to happen either since we are now all aware of that trickery. Besides that there is tremendous enthusiasm to vote this time around on the democratic and independent side for moderate and liberal candidates.
     So with no policies to attack and no specific general election democratic candidate to smear, or war to start, or hidden hack to rely on, republicans are left with defending their policies. Which in a perfect world is what they should have had to do to begin with. But that is all that is left to them since none of their usual trickery will work this election cycle. With that in mind and with all the constituents who have been hurt by the republican dismantling of our democracy you can begin to see just how badly republicans are going to lose in 103 days. I know it is still about 3 months away but it is still much closer to the election time than it was a year ago when this all became clearly about to happen.

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