Thursday, July 12, 2018

Seeing to myself today (#3450)

     With nothing too important to say, I guess today is about me and how I will take care of myself. It is just a few days short of 12 years for me of not having any alcohol or smoke, cigarette or pot like substances. I also am feeling better physically even though my bumps, bruises, pulls and tears are nagging me on a constant basis. I know that getting older has much to do with the physical ailments and rightly so but I must slow down a little bit to keep from adding more pains to the pile I already have. I find that when I am outside doing yard work that I have a chair handy so that I can sit and perform some of my tasks while giving my legs a break from all the standing and bending.
     I will be outside again today keeping with a hedge trimming project I have been on for about a month now. Little by little it is taking shape and the long overdue care the hedge has needed is starting to come together. I won't go into why this hedge is so troublesome but lets just leave it at it has been long ignored for decades. It has been seasonably hot as well up near 100 degrees every day so getting out early and doing what I can is essential. At least the temperature will only be in the 80's and 90's by the time I am done. No shade either so the sun will be beating down on me. I have a wild growth that has found it's way into the middle of the hedge so a precise removal of that wild growth is in the plan for today.
     The political news of the last almost 2 years has taken it's toll on me and surely many others so I will not be paying attention to all the bad news that republicans keep dumping on our heads and instead will comfort myself with the knowledge that in 117 days we will be voting again, sooner for we mail in early voters. So diverting my attention to entertainment today and possibly some inner house chores will be the agenda for today. I need to remind myself of just what it is that I am fighting to preserve and enjoy that to the fullest as much as possible. The best of what we have in life isn't always the most expensive nor the most complex, sometimes it is just sitting down and enjoying the view of our magnificent planet and it's abundant life.

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