Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Today I am reminded to fight for our democracy like never before (#3442)

     Instead of being proud of my country I am concerned for her. She is under attack from within by a pile of unscrupulous characters who have no good intent for her. The only intent they have is for their own pleasure and wealth. Our nation is secondary to them as long as they can have what is most desirable to them, their way! Well I am no reed in the wind. I am a buttress and stalwart protector of democracy, especially our democracy here in America. It by no means is perfect and up until the last nearly 50 years has been steadily moving forward toward perfection. But in those last nearly 50 years a corruption at the heart of our government has been diseasing and disrupting our goal to become a more perfect democracy.
     This corruption has been hiding in the conservative party and now as republicans have the power they so nefariously have acquired they are coming out in droves showing themselves for the cowards and thieves that they carry in their souls. The hijacking of our democracy is in full motion with the trumps and the corrupt republican party. So what can I do as just one being who is not fooled by their rhetoric nor their lies? I can speak out about them and in my personal life distance any of them from any part of my living. Family friends etc... it doesn't matter who they are if they are supporting the dismantling of our democracy then they are my enemies. There is no compromise in this battle and the only way they will win against me is to bury me.
     Yet I am a tough old coot and I have no time for niceties when the lines are so clearly drawn. I always think of Nathan Hale and his last words of  "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." I feel the same and in my own small way will live by his quote to my last breath. Because it isn't about me it is about the future. I am fortunate that I have lived my life and what is left is just extra as far as I am concerned so fighting against the worst of what has brought a cancer to our American democracy is my duty and my solemn promise. So as our nation grows another year older I am still grateful that it does and if we want it to grow another year with democracy then we had better get serious about defending it against all enemies foreign and especially now domestic.

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