Sunday, July 8, 2018

We will beat trumps (#3446)

     He has the upper hand now but soon he will find his reach very limited. In 121 days his luck will have run out. We will have to suffer through whatever he can accomplish over the next little while but after that his day in the sun will start to cloud over. We will be that cloud in the form of a blue wave that comes crashing down on his plans to make us insignificant. He wants the power for himself, not through us but from himself only. He admires the dictators in that they keep their power through being brutal and ruthless and if trump has his way he wouldn't hesitate to make us suffer the same way.
     But we are still a democracy and as such this coming November we will exercise our voting rights and focus deeply on voting for democrats everywhere on the ballot. It will be a night of victory for us because we were denied that right November 8th, 2016 through means other than democratic. I don't necessarily trust polling after what happened 2 years ago but they do tell us one thing, that we democrats are not complacent like we were in 2016. We are steadfast and ready, waiting for the chance to unseat the republican enablers that have installed trump. We are still growing in numbers and are vigilant in our approach to midterm election day. Not only will we vote but we will vote in numbers not seem from democrats for a midterm election.
     Because we know what it is like not to show up at the polls on election day and we are smart enough to not want the result of that to happen again. Not only that not happening again where republicans win the minority and still get the majority, but we want the majority back as a way to stifle the trump agenda for the next 2 years if Mueller is unable to take trump down. We need a big victory on midterm election night so that we can force trumps to bargain with us the working middle poor class on equal terms. Whatever it takes to get our majorities in the Senate and House we must be willing to do even if it means working our butts off for democratic candidates that are not ideal in our own personal thinking.

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