Sunday, June 28, 2020

128 days left until the election (#4166)

     The endgame for trump. He will be shown to have lied about not getting informed about the Russian plot to assassinate American and coalition troops and then his presidency is essentially over. The republican senate side of things is somehow culpable as well but this will fall mainly on trump and destroy any chance for him to continue as the appointed president. Not even the republican base will tolerate this scenario and a groundswell that is already building will become so intense that trump will have no other option than to get out while he can. It wouldn't surprise me if he snuck out of town to a country where there are no extradition laws with America.
     This will be the last and very heavy straw that broke the camels back. By refusing to act against the deathly intention of our clear adversary trump has shown that his cowardice from his youth in evading his duty to enroll in our armed forces during war has stayed with him. The president of the United States has one very huge duty above all else, protect our troops that are in harms way. Yet what we know of trump it is very unreasonable to expect him to protect our troops when he can make a buck off of it. That is now more clear than ever that trump truly has committed the crime of treason.
     How our shocked and shaken world proceeds here in america will be played out over the next several days and even the buffering media will have no choice but to investigate this story and reveal it's contents. The coverup has already begun but too little too late as the story broke before the trumps were informed and all those actors who were involved are now ready targets for questioning. There is no coming back from this or sweeping this under the rug now despite the uncomfortableness of the subject and the damage this will do to the American reputation. Reality dictates here not any false narrative that hides the facts. We have more than shamed ourselves through this appointed president and enough is damn well enough!

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