Friday, June 5, 2020

151 days until the election (#4143)

     Forcing workers back out into an infectious environment is a trophy trump is currently in a limelight basking in. Does he do anything that doesn't benefit him? Well it is a rhetorical question in that we all know the answer is no over and over again. How many more deaths will be added through is determined stance to make us all his pawns in the game of life. We are cannon fodder and if he has to sacrifice all of us to prove it he will. By not giving any more stimulus payments and making unemployment harder to earn he has forced about 2.5 million workers back out to work despite the enhanced chance of them catching the Covid-19 virus.
     He is just giddy about those numbers for forcing workers back to work. It is a horrible thing he is doing to the health and welfare of our nation and it will not be the outcome he desires. In the big picture more than 35 million workers were displaced by Covid-19 so him taking a victory lap over 2.5 million workers forced back to work is ridiculous. He thinks that if the jobs numbers continue to improve he will be assured a victory in November yet he is the one who allowed the virus to circulate within our borders unchecked causing the workers to be displaced.
     It seems that nothing ever changes with republicans. They cause a problem, then try to fix it while thumping their chests in victory. Yet the ones who are always hurt by the problem they cause are the working middle poor class. So this time nothing trump can do will save his appointed presidency. There will be those who will hail him as a conquering hero but that narrative is in stark contrast to his putting up a fenced wall around the White House to keep him safe from Americans. He is done and the only question that remains to be answered is how many of us will he kill off before he is no longer a threat to us.

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