Wednesday, June 10, 2020

146 days until the election (#4148)

     The poll of polls at 538 has trump's approval rating underwater at nearly 14 points. Which for the most part has been consistent with his entire appointed presidency, Now this is no guarantee that he will lose but it is significant in that the numbers have been for the most part consistent, we just don't like this appointed president! It isn't anything to do with just his obnoxious personality, although that is certainly part of it, no it is to do with his non-stop attack to demean and brutalize our working middle poor class. The wealthy for the most part love him as he is their champion. But the rest of us are just chump change to him and he doesn't even bother to count us as value.
     Like I point out now everyday in my daily blog title the days of trump are slowly winding down and in 146 days he will be voted out of office, although he will remain until January 21, 2021. But the last 78 days after the election that trump remains president are more about complying with the transition he will need to make from the White House to somewhere I am not sure but likely offshore somewhere he is criminally untouchable. Maybe with his close ally putin. Either way the time is getting short and each new day seems to lift my soul up just a bit more in excitement. I have no doubt he will be defeated so much so that everyday now is like the anticipation of my birthday.
     We saw in Georgia yesterday some of the strategy of republicans to thwart voting in as many ways as they can as a last gasp desperate move to hold public office without actually being favored. It is their go to move, obstruct voting as much as possible to lower the oppositional turnout. Well as we also saw in Georgia yesterday the voting electorate had the will and fortitude to outlast the obstructions and patiently waited in lines to vote. It should become apparent to republicans everywhere that there is no voter obstruction strategy they can devise that will keep us from casting our ballots. But no doubt republicans are down to the bottom of the barrel for answers so voter suppression is their only strategy remaining.

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