Saturday, June 20, 2020

136 days until the election (#4158)

     Well it will be a busy day in Tulsa Oklahoma. Not only with trump's cult gathering this evening, but continued celebration from Junteenth, and a 1000 black person 2nd amendment armed march. No doubt that the national guard is already on standby will help keep opposing groups from interacting but there is no guarantee that the whole thing may just blow sky high. I don't think so but I would be naive to think it can't happen. There is also the clusterfuck of last night's mishandling by AG barr trying to oust a US attorney. This administration is one failed attempt after another in trying to do the simple things like tie their shoe laces.
     The chaos coming from trump's administration is a sure sign that they are scrambling to put together anything cohesive coming into the heart of the general election season. Down heavily in all major polls and even finding themselves vulnerable in long held bastions of conservative ideology. The Covid-19 outbreaks all over America are also highlighting just how ill prepared the trump administration is at coordinating an effective response. The strategy is now for them to just ignore the virus and hope it goes away. The problem with that is the virus has only one purpose for it's existence and that is to spread itself into as many hosts as it can. So not only will trump find himself facing another disaster in the weeks to come but he will fall even further behind in the general election polls with only 136 days to go.
     As he is today ready to put over 19,000 souls at risk of catching the virus it is certain that his strategy of ignoring the virus is in full swing. He has another cult gathering for Arizona later this coming week and if he is anything at all like he is today they themselves will find him as the chief spreader of death and ill health. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that trump would cavalierly destroy his own re-appointment chances. Yet that is exactly what he is doing and for what it is worth Biden will be the beneficiary. The remarkable turn of events will sadly see so many unnecessary deaths yet that is the outcome of the fanatics who will not see trump for the greedy selfish carnival barking liar he is.

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