Sunday, June 7, 2020

149 days until the election (#4145)

     Yesterdays protests were continued all over the world. It seems that not only has our nation finally found it's voice over racial inequality but the world on whole is finding it's voice as well. I welcome that we are finally putting some impetus behind demanding that all are equal under the laws of nature and should be under laws of humanity. This obstinate instinct to control others is archaic and needs to be put to rest with other less desirable archaic urges. Power as a control, especially when singled out at a subset of humanity, is brutal and cruel which is not enlightened nor civilized.
     We will always need to be able to enforce our laws equally as appropriate but not as a salve for those who are unconscionable nor psycho/sociopath inclined and protected by law as a law representative. This need to punish others outside policing standards has caused this current eruption of protest and what good may come had better improve on our structured responses or the protestations will never stop. What is discouraging at the moment is that we have the trumps and their acolytes in political power so the wheels of making our society more just are clogged with their prejudices and biases that they will not grease. But for all of this to find a conclusion, grease will need to find it's way onto the wheels of justice despite the obstructions of republicans and their incompetently ignorant leader trump.
     Today will surely give us more of the same in the form of protests. That these brave souls are out protesting in the face of a pandemic gives anyone no doubt as to their sincerity and determination for change. The sooner the forces against racism and inequality are subdued the sooner we can move forward into a paradigm where no one is judged solely by the color of their skin. There are a lot of things that need fixing in our society but we have to get through these last 149 days of trump to be able to really effect lasting and deserved change.

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