Saturday, June 27, 2020

129 days left until the election (#4165)

     That trump let Russia contract to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan is the news from yesterday. For this he should be forced out and made to pay dearly for any contract that was paid from Russia to anyone for any death of an American soldier. The Audacity of trump to allow his favorite guy putin to kill our brave soldiers is beyond compromise. The forces that be within the American government who do not act on removing trump now will become complicit when trump is no longer in power so even those republican cowards who have been licking trumps boots had better find the courage to stand up for democracy because there will be no escape from the deserves that are coming.
     Treason and traitor are two words that are appropriate for what trump has done by not protecting our troops His obvious cowardice is full front and center now and any hope of his re-appointment is now gone. He has effectively destroyed any defense he had thought he could use through lies and disinformation because there is one sacred duty he had and that was to protect our troops. This has shocked me to my core that a president of the United States would let a dictator like putin, who is a sworn enemy of democracy, the free space to kill Americans. The republican party now has it's duty to drop all support for this appointed president and immediately demand his resignation.
     It was in March of this year that trump was given a "menu" of options to choose from to respond to putin's actions and trump has done none of them to date. How many American soldiers were killed since then and how much money has putin laid out for the deaths? I cannot for the life of me understand how such a cowardly person ever became our appointed president yet here we are seeing it in real time. The very many of us know trump is beholden to putin for something that given trump's character can only be nefarious in nature. Because of that American lives were put into peril.

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