Friday, June 19, 2020

137 days until the election (#4157)

     The push for trump to begin his cult gatherings is too much for him to ignore. Even in the face of a pandemic and given the location the history of violence against black folks. The tension he highlights at his cult gatherings will bring out the worst of his racist followers because they don't care about science and logic. They will come gladly and flaunt their ignorance as a badge while the citizens of Tulsa have to put up with their antics and virus spreading interactions in town. Because these trump cultists still need to shop and hotel/motel somewhere. I feel bad for the townspeople who are not trump cult followers.
     All they can do is probably close down their operations and sit out the shit storm that is coming tomorrow. As to counter protests trump has already warned counter protesters that they are fair game for being handled roughly. So much for dissent and opposition guaranteed by our constitution. This is going to be a real eye opener for any independents who are still undecided. Another news break is the trump administration going after the dreamers again after a tweet from trump this morning confirming it. He is one of the worst optics guys I have ever seen. He cannot help himself from doing things at the worst possible time but that is who he is and we will make him pay for all his bravado.
     So now the dreamers who were in a happy but tempered mood yesterday are now less happy and more concerned today about how the timeline for another Supreme Court ruling will take place. If trump can get his new appeal decided to end DACA before the election he will surely do his worst. If after the election it will be close as to if he can get a ruling before he leaves office after being soundly defeated in November. I will do more research on this and try to get a timeline as to the extremes. All I know now is that trump is going after latin/hispanic kids during the run up to the election and it cannot help him with anyone other than those who could care less like his rock bottom base.

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