Saturday, June 6, 2020

150 days until the election (#4144)

     Another block of ten days is behind us and it seems like a million years ago from the last block of ten. That trump can make time drag so slowly is his cruelest act upon us. I just wish he would shut his ignorant brutish mouth for some small period of time to give us all a moments pause from his insanity! Yet he knows not to because if he did his world would fall apart much faster. So he keeps up with adding new manure to the pile as a way to distract us from his last pile of manure. Regardless of how slow time is being played out it is still ticking down on him and with now only 15 blocks of ten days left he must be feeling the fear.
     By fear I mean desperation and despair in knowing that his appointed presidency is about to end and he then will be available to be criminally charged with so many crimes. How will he endure his final blocks of ten days knowing that nothing can help him, not even his spin of the economy. His children who have been right there with him in committing crimes will also become targets for justice and their anxiety will filter to him as well. I expect that all of them have some grand parachute back up plan waiting to be activated as things continue to disintegrate. So even as we endure his lunacy and indifference to our suffering we know that the day is soon coming where he will be the one who feels what we feel now and for the last almost 4 years.
     150 days is a milestone of sorts as it now tells us that the countdown to his defeat at election time is in full bore. I am not the only one counting down the days as many others are now into the daily click of another 24 hours behind us. This has been the most excruciating last 4 years I have ever lived and I thought nothing would be as bad as shrub. I am corrected exponentially with the trump crime family. the end is coming soon and we now have our nominee who officially passed the delegate count of 1,991. So the election is ready to begin in earnest even though some primaries still need to occur. Our democratic leader is evolving into an FDR type man as the trumps continue to make it a necessity. Which is a silver lining in ways as getting to real change is now more a reality than ever.

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