Tuesday, June 9, 2020

147 days until the election (#4147)

     Another day behind us without too much destruction from trump other than to show us and the world his ignorance. I can live with these kinds of days where his onslaught upon the American working middle poor class is minimized to him only making himself look the fool. But today is another day and surely he will make up for a sedate day yesterday by doing something twice as horrible today. What is different now though are the daily protests which have him off balance. When he has to float a possibility of a talk about race relations just to see what the response would be is comforting in one respect, that being he is getting the message that none of us want to hear from him and his racist behavior.
     As to what is happening in our society outside the mess that is trump, our national conversation about what policing may look like in the future is beginning to take form. There are examples out there like with Camden, New Jersey in 2013, https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/08/872416644/former-chief-of-reformed-camden-n-j-force-police-need-consent-of-the-people, for us to see the why change was necessary and the what it looks like now. There is also the advancement that is being actuated by the Minneapolis City Council that has everyone up in a stir yet the time for change there is going to happen despite the unknowns of what that will actually look like. Nonetheless the conversation is happening and that in itself is a major breakthrough. It may all be a strategy to eliminate the police unions who have been strongly resistant to modernizing change and that to me is reason enough to change.
     I am for unions in our nation and they are very important to protect workers and bargain on their behalf. Yet protecting workers who are adjudged to be criminal is a bridge too far for them to cross and they need to be brought back from that brink. Other problems exist within unions like nepotism and workplace fairness but those can be filtered out with new guidelines aimed at them. Putting a microscope on the problems within our society will help us to correct them as long as we are working to improve where deficiencies exist. I am more hopeful today with now 147 days until the election that we will get there without being torn apart in beforehand.

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