Wednesday, June 24, 2020

132 days until the election (#4162)

     Less than 10% of we Americans have been tested for the Covid-19. And trump wants less testing. Do you understand how utterly callous and uncaring he is toward the many of us? He gets his test everyday and that is good enough for him while the rest of us are shit out of luck. Do you still not understand why the greater majority of us cannot wait until he is out of our presidency and preferably behind bars? The presidency is for those who would lead our nation, not ransack it for his own selfishness! 132 days is a bit of time but we started out about 1400 days with him. So in the bigger picture his time is nearing its end.
     Not only will we remove him and his horrible children from running our government but it is likely we will also remove the obstruction in the senate in the form of a republican majority. What is most despicable about the republican senate is that they are in lockstep with trump and mcconnell most all times. They have abdicated their own voices in order to kneel to trump. Their strategy of not upsetting the monster who is trump will not be kind to them when the voting time comes. The republican party had a decent chance of holding the senate a few months ago but now the tide has turned on them and democrats are favored to win the senate.
     You can point to one particular theme as the reason the republicans will lose the senate and that is because they crumbled in the face of the bully trump. I find it rather telling that the many of us who could have really been hurt by trump threats persisted nonetheless while those who had little to lose in the senate were the ones who cowered. Well that is about to change with the Tsunami like blue wave that is coming in this next election despite any voter suppression and tampering the trump cabal may initiate. The end is drawing near for them and it will be an end that is justifiably deserved!

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