Monday, June 8, 2020

148 days until the election (#4146)

     Well over 110,000 dead here in America from Covid-19 with many more to come. Because with trump, and his only gasping hope of being reappointed, the economy must be humming along. Yet he can't make the economy work for him unless he trades off unnecessary deaths. Even then the economy will not be humming instead it will be fits and starts. So many more deaths while trump tries to shine his dull turd of a record. It is how things will go it seems now that there appears not to be any more stimulus or unemployment extensions. The republican party has spoken and their strategy is to make people die while they also fail to revive our economy.
     I have tired to think how we can upset this plan of theirs and the only scenario I can think of is to continue the protests with an even higher participation rate. I do not accept that we have to trade off lives to keep the economy going. There is no cure for the Covid-19 virus so the only solution to keep us out in the workplace is to accept death. We need our democratic politicians to keep hammering on trump and mcconnell to get another stimulus package passed. This is the only way people can ride out the current infections so that when we do go back to our workplaces there is more time down the road for the virus to be eradicated and lessen it's infections on us.
     But the trumps do not want us to defend against the virus in an intelligent way. Instead they want our society to pay a death wage to them so that they can stay in power. Like I said the only way republicans can keep what is left of their power in our politics is to sacrifice American lives so that a battered economy can keep moving along. For the life of me I cannot stand this from them and hopefully the rest of us who are the next line of cannon fodder for republicans will say that they aren't going to take this either. We cannot role over to republicans and trump and let them kill us so that they can get a reward for it!

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