Monday, December 6, 2021

(#4691) The manchinema care less about democracy than they do about undermining it through capitalism

      What is becoming painfully obvious is the failure of the manchinema, manchin and sinema, to understand the hierarchy of our form of government and society. Instead of them placing the highest priority on democracy, which is where most all the rest of us throughout our United States history have previously done, they have given themselves over to seeing less democracy and more capitalism as the highest priority. Yes, an economic system that rewards a few and disadvantages the many in it's pure form. So instead of having a pure form of capitalism for our economy we the citizenry expect a mix of capitalism and socialism to define our economic system.
     Well the manchinema are not so keen on that. They have taken the position of discounting the socialism side of the equation and instead are hell bent on mostly protecting the pure capitalism side. Sure they are for improving roads and bridges and making broadband readily available but those do less for the everyday citizen than they do for the wealthy and powerful. As well the idea that democracy needs t be protected through preserving our right to vote and access to the ballot box is less concerning to them since they put an archaic rule of the senate, the filibuster, as a higher priority than enshrining into law protocols for protecting our democracy.
     Think about that for a moment. Every republican senator has voted no to protecting our voting rights while 2 democrats have yet to say yes to protecting our voting rights. So 48 senators who are democrats are for protecting our voting rights, 2 are not yet committed to doing the same, and all 50 republican senators are against protecting our voting rights. With these numbers in the senate the presidents policy of protecting voting rights is being held hostage by 2 members of the democratic party. We know that the worthless republican party will never pass voting rights protections because they are the ones eroding voting rights. So the anti democratic manchinema is the block to protecting our democracy.

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