Wednesday, December 22, 2021

(#4707) The republicans in the senate are holding up appointments that would help infrastructure implementation

      The republican party could not stop the hard infrastructure bill from passing and becoming law but what they are doing is keeping staff positions from being filled by blocking nominations. So if there is no one leading specific necessary departments that would oversee and implement the funds toward the projects then republicans get another chance to screw things up for the working middle poor class. Which is their goal by the way. They are the party of the wealthy and not democratically driven to serve all the people. Which makes me wonder how the working middle poor class could even consider voting for them.
     I know there will always be racists and misogynists who can be fueled to hate the democratic party but that should not be their main focus. I would never put a prejudice above my economic welfare. Nefarious social issues that divide are reprehensible to begin with but to be so blatant a biased person to the point of bankrupting oneself is really an ignorant path to follow. But it seems that there are enough of these fools who hate, to make a difference here in US politics. The wealthy are doing really well without needing more help from republicans at the expense of the working middle poor class. So anyone who is voting for republicans who is not a greedy filthy rich person is just plain dumb.
     Last week the democrats in the senate were able to get republicans to agree to lift blocks on many of their ambassador and judicial nominations. Yet there are still too many administrative posts needing to be filled for moving along the hard infrastructure law into reality. The longer the republicans can drag out the positive and necessary effects of the hard infrastructure law the better for them as a propaganda tool to use against democrats in the coming election. Which is why people like me continue to call republicans out for their duplicity in messaging. They think Americans are too stupid to link them to delaying much needed progress in our society. Well they would be wrong because they are not being allowed to pull the wool over anyone's eyes any longer!

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