Thursday, December 9, 2021

(#4694) Build Back Better

      We are waiting on joe manchin to decide if he wants to let President Biden survive his presidency. Yes, it is at that level. As well on BBB but on voting rights protections. the idea that a monthly report about the inflationary rate for November would be the big holdup is almost laughable. This bill has been gone over by 17 Nobel Prize award winning economists and they say the long term effect will ease inflationary pressures. So for a democratic senator from a rural state with low population to say that he still worried about inflation in the face of world renowned economists is absurd and denotes a nefarious ulterior motive.
     BBB, among other great things, will get savings to our citizenry through child care cost cutting and allow our younger children the affordability of earlier education. How can one not see the benefits of this policy? Those like manchin who are worried about the, I don't know, the ether, are not on the same level with common/critical thinking. More children being educated and cared for by a larger workforce in the health and education industries will also open up more time for parents to return to work who would otherwise not be able to return. If modernization through creative innovative solutions so scares people like manchin then they need to find a different line of work.
     Even if we lost that West Virginia senate seat in the future to a republican party that has already shown they are devoid of the intellectual acumen to see a better future then so be it. What we lose in a seat we gain by not having a dishonest at least approach to policies that are productive and intelligent within our democratic party. Tomorrow the monthly index will be released showing what the inflation will be up to date. It is expected to rise about .5% which would likely be enough for manchin to pause any vote on BBB. Yet the consensus is that this will be the last larger than normal rise and all manchin will be doing going forward is denying America the best of all worlds with this bill so that he can gain in some other unknown area for himself, while allowing increased inflation. Hypocrisy, Shame on him!

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