Monday, December 27, 2021

(#4712) Seeing the bigger picture

      As is painfully obvious, too many of we United States of America citizens are perpetually stuck with the view of our own circumstances and situations. That is the micro view. What I am trying to get us to do at the same time is to have a macro view of our existence. The bigger picture by another phrase. Most all of us are in the vast majority of Americans, the working middle poor class. This is not a sleight nor putdown, it is just who we are and how we survive in this current unequal capitalistic society. We are basically the bottom rung but nonetheless the most important and influential rung is we so choose.
     But we have to choose to be the most important and influential rung in our society. We have the power if we all would just find a way to recognize it. We are not beholden to the wealthy for handouts. We are not at their beck and call to serve their purposes. Yet because they have the power to hire and fire, we in this most dependent capitalistic society are forced to do things we would not otherwise do. So how do we turn this around so that we are not forced to do things because of our fear of being fired or not hired. We start by not electing the wealthy and their subordinates to elected office. Instead we elect candidates that are for the American working middle poor class so that they can pass legislation that not only protects us in the workforce but enhances our lives through modern efficient policies.
     As it stands now there are no republican representatives nor senators who are behind the working middle poor class voter. Every republican in both houses of Congress have failed to tally even one vote to protect voting rights. No republican in Congress has said they will vote for the Build Back Better agenda that would so revolutionize for the better the lives of the working middle poor class. As well give our working middle poor class a leg up from the poverty and despair that we are currently mired in. No republican in Congress has ought to raise the federal minimum wage from the paltry $7.25 an hour. No republican has sought to make sure women are equal to men in pay in the workforce. Worst of all is that half or more of the republican party supported a coup against our United States Constitution.

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