Thursday, December 23, 2021

(#4708) The lessons we learned as children and how some haunt us to this day

     I remember being afraid a lot of the time because despite my infrequent boldness, much of what our younger generation experienced was rebellion against undemocratic policies mixed with our own exuberance. So being bold or honorable to higher callings of democratic principles often left us on the wrong side of the law. Mixed in with all that were the numerous opportunities to experiment with mind altering drugs. So some of our decisions, which would have been different without the "trips" we were on, were less than anything honorable. selfishness, idiocy, and callousness were often byproducts of many of our mind altering trips.
     I won't get into specifics so that I stay on point here. We were a generation sometimes lost within itself for the reasons of depression and apathy. Standing up to the man was something that could have been a rallying cry every day of our lives in every sector of society. So the sheer volume of wrong as we could see was enough to weigh us down and wear us out. When we are less than ourselves due to factors that should not be, then is when the unintentional wrong in our lives becomes reality. For so long I have had to listen to republicans tell me that it is all on us to make the best version of ourselves, yet I have not seen the proof of that. To me, like what democrats espouse, it is incumbent on all of us to help each other become the best of who we can become.
     The community of humanity must play a pivotal role in rearing the young, We don't just discard each other at birth and expect things to go better than if we were never discarded. That is the difference in the two political parties, democrats want us all in on each other whereas republicans want nothing to do with community nor individual help. The pull yourself up by your bootstraps is the republican motto whereas we democrats want the oars of the boat all pulling in the same direction. Merit and noble intent will eventually separate us in life due to our own personal natures so when we all start from about the same point we all have that opportunity to succeed without barriers or depressing bad memories of our never ending frustrations.

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