Thursday, December 16, 2021

(#4701) It is time to get into the mud with manchin and sinema over voting rights protections

      There is no more time to waste on being nice with manchin and sinema about carving out a voting rights protections clause from the senate legislative filibuster. No more time left to save our democracy before the next election. I have had it with both of them and now is the time to make or break them! Everything possible that can be done to put the stick to them needs to be done. We have tried the carrot for nearly a year and all we have gotten is nowhere with them. They have already reneged on passing the human infrastructure bill after agreeing to split the hard infrastructure bill out of the initial total infrastructure package.
     So trusting them is not to be done again. So no more mister nice guy. We need to hit them from every angle and do a major news narrative about how they both are allowing our democracy to crumble while they cozy up to the republicans who are behind it. At every turn they need to be cast out of the idea that they get the benefit of the doubt. There is no doubt any longer that they are on a mission to subvert the will of the people who elected Joe Biden as president and as far as they are showing they could care less if democrats continue to hold the majorities in the Congress.
     Even if it means we lose the current majority in the Senate, we must force them to either accept the will of the democratic caucus or be thrown out of their committee assignments. They need to be told to leave our party and then they will have to explain to their constituents why they could not be allowed to stay as democrats. Because they are not democrats but instead have more fealty to the republican party and their republican buddies who advise them. they are not fooling anyone here. They are the ones who are disgracing our democratic party, not the rest of us who have tried to convince them that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden and his agenda, not theirs!

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