Sunday, December 12, 2021

(#4697) The survival of democracy depends on us!

      We know what manchin and sinema need to do about the filibuster but what are we going to do if they don't stop being stooges to the republican party? Are we willing to protest in the streets that connect manchin and sinema to their worlds? Are we ready to fight to help those most effected by voter suppression tactics to get their votes cast? Are we going to make sure the new republican election workers are going to be fair instead of them being trump loyalists who will lie, cheat, and steal the election results? What are we going to do? Just sit back and take it on the chin and begin to accept that democracy is going to die at the hands of the worst human ever to be covered in the skin of a conman?
     This isn't about going to war with insurrectionists, this is about claiming our rights to express our views through words and actions at the ballot. We will lose both those rights to different degrees if we do nothing and allow the minority republican party to push we the majority aside. I am no shrinking flower when it comes to expressing my opinion nor to holding my hands up to fight. But what you do with me will tell the tale after the elections in 2022 and if we are lucky, 2024. Because there will be no guarantee that a fair election will even exist again after this coming election in 2022.
     So what will we do? Just keep living our lives waiting for someone else to save our democracy? Will we do nothing because we are too afraid or are too unwilling to protect the greatest form of government ever devised? Will we let a sniveling ruthless piece of shit like trump have his way with us because we are too cowardly to stand up to him? Will we just go about our lives as if nothing important is happening right under our feet? Will we accept that we need to be herded like cattle into our little spaces of existence without so much as a whimper about losing our right to choose our own path forward. Will we just look upon the words of this last paragraph and say guffaw to them as if they were embellishment or hyperbole not worthy of serious consideration? Probably all of this, we who are not worthy of having democracy to begin with!

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