Friday, December 31, 2021

(#4716) A hard year but a good year!

      I see so many memes and people online talking about how horrible 2021 was but to me 2020 was so much worse. The republicans still controlled the senate and white house and were poised to keep them. Instead our blue wave tsunami overwhelmed them and our democrats gained control of the white house and senate while keeping the house. Major victory there to keep our democracy intact for the moment. Not only that a huge Covid relief package was signed into law by President Biden as well as a huge hard infrastructure law. We democrats kept the house as well albeit the senate and the house are held by very slim margins. Yet we do control them and may still get some more legislation passed that helps the US American people and protects our democracy.
     We would have had Covid under control by now if the republican party had been honest partners in defeating it but they were absolutely not honest partners. The republicans put partisan politics above national security and safety and health concerns. So we are ending the year with infections from a previously warned variant that would happen if we didn't reach a herd immunity when we had the chance earlier this year. So once again it is the republican party that is prolonging our national health danger as well as the interconnected economic ill health. We cannot get our economy back to full strength when we are still infecting each other for no other purpose than to play republican politics over it.
     This year has been hard on so many but the idea that it wouldn't have been worse if republicans had won the election in 2020 is absurd. Not only would we be still infecting each other at a higher rate but the deaths would be well above a million folks by now with no end in sight. Our economy would still be losing steam and making us vulnerable to foreign influences that wouldn't already be targeting us by now. The whole idea that 2021 was a bad year without recognizing the good is ludicrous. Thankfully we democrats rode in and saved the day but the future is still up for grabs. Will 2022 be better under democratic control? Yes, To keep it that way we need to vote in numbers like we did in 2020 and make sure the manchinema is not in position from us ending the filibuster in the senate.

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