Wednesday, December 29, 2021

(#4714) No empathy for the unvaccinated

      There are few things that people do that in life that riles me up. First because it doesn't just effect them. If it was just the person's choice and it had nothing to do with anyone else then fine and good. but not with this virus. You cannot choose to be selfish about the choice to vaccinate or not because it is more than just your choice. You affect those around you in ways that are gravely detrimental. So those who choose to be unvaccinated and/or lie about it are a scourge and should be dealt with in some harsh fashion. Either they should all contract the Covid and suffer the outcome of their infection or there should be some legal penalty charge that includes a negligence of duty to our society.
     The idea that personal freedom extends to protecting a virus over human life just does not make any logical sense. Therefore it should not be allowed to happen without some harsh penalty. A lot of this non compliance with health directives can be traced back to political posturing by the republican party. Starting with the inept trump, initially spewing his lies about Covid spread and its deathly nature to now when most of the republican party continues to downplay inoculations and protective policies like gear and distancing. What really galls me as more than an aside here is that the republican party thinks that they are going to win a majority in the next election.
     How any insurrectionist, democracy destroying, virus flaunting, cabal of republican dimwits think that they are due to win because of previous political historical precedence is mind boggling. They think they can win no matter what horrible acts or beliefs they hold in the bright light of day. Like they are immune to being seen as unworthy even though they are absolutely unworthy. Like the cognitive dissonance, (illogical thinking), that makes them who they are today is invisible to those who they think will vote for them. Well I have a clue for them, they are not going to get away with destroying our democracy while they ask us to help them to do it. What will happen in the next election is a trouncing they will get and the utter disbelief they will have as they once again cry foul over non existent voter fraud.

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