Friday, December 10, 2021

(#4695) Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good

      It is funny that I had this thought about why manchin is holding up voting rights protections and the human infrastructure bill. He keeps coming up with these less than significant reasons for not doing something so that he can dictate the agenda of our nation. I am convinced that his less than 300 thousand vote total to win his West Virginia senate seat has gone to his head and for him outweighs the more than 81 million votes Joe Biden got in winning the presidency. The idea that manchin thinks he is a more popular or more experienced politician that Joe Biden is ludicrous and speaks to manchin's cognitive disassociation from reality.
     So as joe manchin and his inability to interpret reality in the larger picture goes so do the rest of us for now. I know that Joe Biden is trying mightily to convince manchin that he, Biden, is president and thus needs to stand by his campaign promises. Yet manchin is stubborn to the point of denying this reality and using his less than persuadable arguments to abut his claims. I know that every one under the sun has been trying to explain to manchin that he is on the wrong side of this but to no avail. Even when I watch the senate on Cspan2 during the day when the senate is in session, it seems that manchin spends more time with his republican counterparts cajoling and discussing issues than with his democratic colleagues who are actually trying to pass legislation to protect and enhance our nation.
     It is disturbing to see him and sinema more it tune with the traitors to democracy republican party but that is not a big deal to him or her. As far as manchin goes he is the real reason we democrats are teetering on losing the senate and house next year because he is preventing the will of the people. Most people expect Joe Biden to keep his campaign promises and if he doesn't it will be because manchin is playing at being president while our nation is about to burn to the ground. People like joe manchin need to be in therapy not determining the fate of our democracy!

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