Thursday, December 30, 2021

(#4715) Stop gerrynmandering and protect voting rights!

      This is a demand from me not a request. We have elected representatives who are supposed to do the will of the people not deny the will of the people. I don't care how republicans and manchinema try to square the circle, they are not doing the will of the people. They are elected to federal positions, not state ones, so their claim to only answer to their home state constituents fails on two accounts. First is that again, they are responsible for all Americans as is stated in their oaths of office. Second, and this is the most telling that they are not being truthful is that they are being told by a majority of their home state voters to support not only voting rights protections but the Build Back Better agenda and yet they refuse to heed that call.
     So 50 republican senators and 2 democratic senators are defying their oaths and instead are protecting special interests and their own. The 50 republicans are by far the worst of the 52 because they don't want to give Biden a "win" nor do they want to help the working middle poor class. To me they are despicable human beings and should be jettisoned from public office as early as possible. Consider the voting rights protections bills. All they do is allow for free and fair elections everywhere while also drawing congressional maps that represent communities not political advantages. the nefarious nature of gerrymandering is a ruse to allow the minority to rule the majority. Much like the filibuster in the senate.
     When we stop political gerrymandering we actually allow voters to choose their representatives and not the other way around. when we have free and fair access to the ballot box we are practicing democracy in order to give the people the voice in how our government proceeds into the future. The lack of democratic ideals that the 50 republican senators currently display plus the lack of democratic ideals the 2 democratic senators are preventing signals to the rest of us that the senate is broken. We need to reimage our senate to more accurately represent our society that goes beyond 2 senators per state regardless of the states population. When South Dakota, which has less than 900,000 citizens, and California which has nearly 40 million citizens, yet both only have 2 senators is another reason we need to overhaul our Congress in ways that define equality and equity in representation.

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