Wednesday, December 8, 2021

(#4693) The importance of holding the House and Senate

      We democrats have a task before us given the unwillingness of manchin and sinema to pass voting rights protections. Because republicans have been gerrymandering and obstructing voting opportunities for democrats. Which will go a long way toward giving republicans many opportunities to add to their numbers in the House and keep democrats from voting in tight senate races. If the republican party succeeds in their voter suppression and gerrymandering tactics then the house will likely go to the republican party and then the misuse of house investigative procedures begins.
     What will hurt even more is the death of the January 6th commission with no results to show for nearly 2 years work. Everything the republican party is doing now to delay and defy the commission is aimed at ending the work of the commission once republicans take over the house. So the point here is to get manchin and sinema to reverse their positions and vote for voting rights protections to deny voter obstruction and gerrymandering so a fair election can be had. In a fair election the odds of republicans taking over become less than even, even when the traditional model should favor them.
     However these are not traditional times and if manchin and sinema would work to pass voting rights protections then we democrats have a better than even shot of improving our numbers in the house and senate. Which would give us another 2 years under President Biden to pass significant legislation and keep the investigations of the January 6th commission alive. Tackling immigration reform, including DC and Puerto Rico statehood possibilities, and once and for all passing common sense police and gun reform. Getting our national minimum wage up and passing Supreme Court term limits would also be on the horizon. So let us fight as hard as possible to keep control of the house and senate.

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