Tuesday, December 28, 2021

(#4713) How to deal with Covid

     What we have been doing so far has not been effective in reaching herd immunity nor in convincing the unvaccinated that the science is correct. There are too many who are devoid of logical critical thinking skills when it comes to government data. They are convinced that the government is trying to infect them or chip them or some other nefarious reason that is unnecessary. So hoping that they will do their duty to our society and inoculate themselves to protect themselves and the rest of us is not working. They need another scenario to get them on board. So my point here is that what we have been doing through voluntary actions is not working so another method must be deployed.
     There is always the President who can declare a national emergency and implement Martial law. By forcing all citizens to accept the vaccinations we could get many who are not vaccinated to comply. However there will be a subset of people who will become so enraged at being forced to vaccinate through Martial law that they would take up arms and resist. This scenario to me is a last gasp attempt to save our society so should not be considered yet. The loss of life and civil unrest that would follow would be chaotic and could leave us vulnerable to foreign actors with bad intent.
     This next idea is much more in line with our society and its lust for capitalism. If we incentivize getting vaccinated and boosted say with $1000 per individual the result may well be that we get to herd immunity somewhere at about 80% or more. While the bill for such an endeavor may well exceed 250 billion dollars the money spent may well be the cheapest option given how we are losing capital in our current scenario of hoping for a voluntary duty to vaccinate; and the price for instituting Martial law may well be much higher that 250 billion along with unnecessary bloodshed from the angry anti vaccination crowd. We must do something and to me paying everyone to save our society seems like the most likely way to do it.

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